Is Gynecomastia surgery in Turkey your right choice?
Do you have over-developed or sagging breast tissues that make you feel embarrassed about your breast shape? This condition is called "Gynaecomastia" which might impact some men at different stages of their lifetime, leading to a feminine chest appearance due to several reasons, such as weight gain, genetic or hormonal factors.
To get a flatter and firmer chest, gynecomastia surgery, which reduces the male breast, can be an ideal treatment for you. At our clinic, we can promise you a successful operation that is performed professionally by our experienced medical team!
What is Gynecomastia Surgery?
Gynaecomastia is a male breast reduction surgery that gets rid of excess fat, sagging skin, and glandular tissues, to give a natural male breast with firmer contour.
It is carried out under general anesthesia through liposuction which is based on VESAR technique. The VESAE technology utilizes ultrasound waves to dissolve the fat, which then is sucked out of the body.
Read more: Gynaecomastia, non-surgical and surgical treatments
Who is a good candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?
You can be qualified for Gynaecomastia surgery if
You enjoy good public health, and don't suffer from any diseases which might affect the operation.
You have fatty breasts with an over-developed shape.
If you have lost weight, which leads to excess or sagging skin in your chest area.
If you have large areolas or prominent and wide nipples.
If you feel uncomfortable when you wear fitted shirts or swimwear clothes.
If your breasts make you feel embarrassed and lose self-esteem.
Pre-operative instructions for Gynecomastia Surgery
The patient should follow some necessary recommendations before carrying out Gynaecomastia surgery.
The patient should avoid smoking for at least two weeks before the operation. Nicotine products may affect the results of your surgery and hamper the healing process.
The patient should stop taking medicines that contain aspirin, ibuprofen combinations, anti-inflammatory, or Vitamin E that lead to blood thinning.
The patient should stop drinking alcohol or coffee for a week before the operation because it causes a risk of some complications after the anesthesia.
It is recommended to follow a balanced diet before the surgery.
How is Gynecomastia Surgery done?
Typically, Gynaecomastia Surgery last for 2-4 hours, it involves:
The surgery starts with general anesthesia, which is given to the patient, making sure he will not feel pain during the operation.
After the anesthesia, the VASER is used to dissolve the fat in the chest area.
Small incisions are made along with the areola or armpit area.
A thin cannula is inserted into the skin through these incisions to suction the fat from your body.
Finally, the incisions are closed with dissolved stitches.
Post-operative instructions for Gynecomastia Surgery
Generally, the recovery period takes 1-2 weeks, but the result can be seen immediately. Here are some important tips that must be followed to ensure better results.
The patient should wear the compression garment or dressing which are prescribed by the doctor, which may help him relieve the swelling.
It is recommended to avoid normal activities for 2 weeks.
The patient should avoid strenuous activity for 6 weeks after the operation.
The patient should start a brief walk, it helps him reduce swelling and decrease the risk of blood clots.
The patient should take the medicines, such as pain medications and antibiotics prescribed by his doctor.
The patient should avoid smoking for five weeks after the operation, as it delays the healing process.
The patient should avoid direct sunlight to the incision and use sunscreen which helps reduce the visibility of scars.
It is recommended to follow a healthy and balanced diet after the operation.