What do you know about a facelift? If you have a significant amount of flappy skin around your lower face and neck, or if you have deep wrinkles and lines that do not improve with filler or Botox injections, you should consider a surgical procedure called a Facelift!

A facelift is a powerful method that can help you get rid of the signs of aging and restore a firmer facial skin appearance!

What is a facelift?

A facelift is a plastic procedure that can reduce deep wrinkles or lines and get a firmer and more youthful facial contour! The operation involves removing saggy skin surgically and tightening the underlying muscles under general anesthesia. 

 Typically, the facelift targets the lower part of the face and sometimes the neck if it is affected by signs of aging. The procedure does not involve eyelid lift. The latter is usually done separately.

Who is a good candidate for a facelift?

The best candidate for a facelift:

  • People who are in good health and do not have any diseases that could impede their recovery.

  • People who are over 40 years old.

  • People who have skin elasticity, which helps in giving better results.

  • People who suffer from loose skin and deep wrinkles cannot respond to the non-surgical procedure, such as filler or Botox injections.

  •  People who want to achieve a more refreshed and firmer appearance of their facial skin.

  • The right candidate should not be a smoker.

  • The candidate should have realistic expectations. 

Pre-operative instructions for a facelift

Before the operation, you should prepare yourself by following some tips which help you decrease the risk of any possible side effects and ensure better results.

    •  Wear comfortable clothing on the day of the operation.

    • Avoid taking medicines, such as aspirin, ibuprofen combinations, anti-inflammatory, or Vitamin E, for 2 weeks before the operation. 

    • Stop smoking for two weeks before the operation to ensure fast healing.

    • Stop drinking alcohol or coffee for a week before the operation to avoid any risk of complications.

    • Don't eat or drink on the night before the surgery.

    • Avoid wearing face makeup on the day of the surgery.

How facelift surgery is done?

Generally, a facelift takes 2 to 3 hours to be done, including the following steps:

  1. The surgery requires general anesthesia as it depends on making incisions on facial skin. It is given to the patient to fall in deep sleep, so he feels no pain during the operation.

  2. In this stage, an incision is made on the skin. It starts in the hairline at the temples, extends around the ear, and ends in the lower scalp.

  3. Through this long incision, the doctor will have access to reduce excess skin, tighten the tissues, and lift the underlying muscles around the lower part of the face.

  4. Finally, the incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures.

Post-operative instructions for a facelift

Generally, it may take around 2 to 4 weeks to get recovery. Following those post-operative instructions can help you heal quickly and get ideal results.

  • You should take your medication prescribed by your doctor if you have some pain or discomfort.

  • Avoid taking a shower for 2 days after the operation.

  • Keep your head elevated with pillows for a few days after the surgery, which helps reduce your swelling.

  • You should give yourself 2 weeks before going back to your daily activity.

  • You should wait 4 weeks before doing any strenuous activity, such as exercise.

  • Avoid the sauna and massages for at least 2 weeks after the operation.

  • Protect yourself from direct sunlight.

  • Avoid aspirin and blood-thinner products that might lead to bleeding after the operation.

Facelift side effects

A facelift is associated with some possible side effects:

  • Infection

  • Bleeding 

  • Hematoma: accumulation of blood under the skin leads to swelling.

  • Permanent scars, but hidden by the hairline.

  • Injury to nerves might cause changes in skin sensation.

  • Hair loss might happen temporarily. 

How much does facelift surgery cost in Turkey?

Facelift surgery costs might vary from case to case since it can include the neck area. Generally speaking, the average cost of facelift surgery in Turkey is around $3500. If the neck area is involved, the price might increase up to $4000.